- Before making an investment decision with respect to CAS Investment Partners, LLC (the “Investment Manager”), potential investors are advised to read carefully the respective offering documents (including any relevant underlying agreements) and the related subscription documents regarding a potential investment with the Investment Manager, and to consult with their tax, legal, ERISA and financial advisors.
- The contents of this website may not be reproduced in whole or part, and may not be delivered to any person without the consent of the Investment Manager.
- Statements made herein that are not attributed to a third party source reflect the views and opinions of the Investment Manager.
- The past performance of the Investment Manager, its principals, members, or employees is not indicative of future returns. The performance reflected in any materials of the Investment Manager and the performance for any given investor may differ due to various factors including, without limitation, the timing of subscriptions and withdrawals, applicable management fees and incentive allocations, and the investor’s ability to participate in new issues.
- There is no guarantee that the Investment Manager will be successful in achieving it's investment objectives. An investment with the Investment Manager contains risks, including the risk of complete loss.